Educational Resource Links

Educational Resource Links


  • *More information is added to this page as it is found.

    Tri-Basin NRD has classroom activities and programs available upon request. Schools within the Tri-Basin NRD can contact Sasha at 308-995-6688 or for more information. Contact your Local Natural Resources District for more information about the Natural Resources in your area. Find your NRD.


·         Agriculture in The Classroom (AITC) programs seek to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts and nutrition.

·         Arbor Day Foundation Educational Resources about trees

·         Beyond School Bells Virtual Backpacks

·         Brain Pop Science – Fun interactive Science Learning

·         Tree Education Hub - Everything you need to celebrate trees in your classroom, all in one spot. From the Arbor Day Foundation.

·         Celebrate Arbor Day – From the Arbor Day Foundation

·         Conservation Education Hub – NACD

·         Department of Education at the Smithsonian Museum

·         EPA Learning & Teaching about the Environment

·         Groundwater Foundation Learn About Groundwater at Home!

·         Groundwater Foundation’s KID’s CORNER – groundwater lessons and activities for students.

·         Irrigation Association How does your garden grow? Elementary School Curriculum Grades 3-5

·        University of Illinois Extension Help Stop Soil Erosion Game

·         Jr Brain Pop Science – Interactive Science for Youth.

·        Migration Science and Mystery A Distance Learning Adventure

·        Monsanto Underground Adventure – Field Museum

·         NASA STEM Engagement – learn how NASA science affects our resources

·         National Geographic Kids – Fun ways to engage with nature.

·         National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration explore the ocean and atmosphere.

·        National Weather Service (NWS) Education

·        Nature Explore - research-based outdoor classroom design services, educator workshops, and natural products. A division of Dimensions Educational Research Foundation

·        Nebraska Game & Parks Conservation Education

·     Nebraska Invasive Species Program Educational Materials by age level

·     Nebraska Waves

·     NRCS Teachers and Students page

·        Nutrients for Life Foundation  Educational Resources

·         Platte Watershed in Motion - Learn about the Platte Watershed

·         Precipitation Education– Science resources and activities for all grade levels by GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) & NASA.

·         Progressive Agricultural Foundation Ag Safety Educational Resources – Resources for teachers/communities to conduct farm safety awareness and education programs.

·         Science Friday


·         TREES ARE GOOD – All kinds of tree education links

·        UNL Extension Virtual Field Trips

·         US Forest Service Kids’ Page - A forest full of tree education

·         US Forest Service Science for Kids – Air, Water & Aquatic Environments Science Program

·         USGS Science Support - Lots of science, Teacher Resources to Learn from Home.

·         Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources EEK! (Environmental Education for Kids) Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.


We have many water programs. Some of the helpful learning resources we have are:

·         100 Fun Ways to Conserve Water

·         Aquatic WILD aquatic wildlife focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students.

·         Conservation Education Hub - NACD

·         Environmental Education for Kids (EEK!)– Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.

·         Groundwater Foundation’s KID’s CORNER – Great groundwater lessons and activities for students.

·         How does your garden grow? – Irrigation Association Elementary School Curriculum Grades 3-5

·         Learn About Groundwater at Home! – Groundwater Foundation

·         National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration explore the ocean and atmosphere.

·      Nebraska Invasive Species Educational Materials

·      Nebraska Waves

·         Platte Watershed in Motion - Learn about the Platte Watershed

·         Precipitation Education– Science resources and activities for all grade levels by GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) & NASA.

·         Project WET or Water Education for Today water-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness to action material group; it is a hands-on education program.

·         Virtual Field Trips – UNL Extension


Some of the helpful learning resources for soils are:

·         Agriculture in The Classroom (AITC) programs seek to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts and nutrition.

·         Conservation Education Hub - NACD

·         Dig It! The Secrets of Soil from the Smithsonian Museum

·         Education Resources Natural Resources Conservation Service

·         Soil Health – University of Illinois Extension

·         Science Friday - Soil Engineering

 ·         Soil Education K-Adult Education United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

·         Soil Health Resources – NACD

·         Soil to Spoon from NACD

·         Underground Adventure – Field Museum sponsored by Monsanto

·         Unlock the Secrets in the Soil resources about Soil Health USDA-NRCS

·         Book List


Some of the helpful learning resources for plants are:

·         Agriculture in The Classroom (AITC) programs seek to improve student achievement by applying authentic, agricultural-based content as the context to teach core curriculum concepts in science, social studies, language arts and nutrition.

·         Conservation Education Hub – NACD

·         Learning & Teaching about the Environment from EPA

·         Nature Explore’s – goal is to help nature become an integral, joyful part of children’s daily learning.

·      Nebraska Invasive Species Educational Materials

·         Platte Watershed in Motion - Learn about the Platte Watershed

·         Project Learning Tree is a Tree and forest centered conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness to action material group; it is a hands-on education program

·         Virtual Field Trips – UNL Extension


Some of the helpful learning resources for trees are:

·         Tree Education Hub - Everything you need to celebrate trees in your classroom, all in one spot. From the Arbor Day Foundation.

·         Celebrate Arbor Day – From the Arbor Day Foundation

·         The Community Forest – UNL Extension

·         Educational Resources about trees from the Arbor Day Foundation.

·         Environmental Education for Kids (EEK!)– Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.

·         Project Learning Tree is a Tree and forest centered conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness to action material group; it is a hands-on education program.

·         US Forest Service USDA  - Learn

·         Tree Husker – from UNL Forestry Dept.

·         Tree Husker Videos – on YouTube from UNL Forestry Dept.

·         Tree Identification – UNL Dept of Natural Resources

·         TREES ARE GOOD – All kinds of tree education links


Some of the helpful learning resources for wildlife are:

·         Aquatic WILD aquatic wildlife focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students.

·         Environmental Education for Kids (EEK!)– Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.

·         Flying WILD fowl wildlife focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students

·         Growing up WILD early childhood education curriculum that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them.

·         Migration Science and Mystery A Distance Learning Adventure

·         National Geographic Kids – Engaging with Nature

·      Nebraska Invasive Species Educational Materials

·         Project WILD - wildlife-focused conservation education program for K-12 educators and their students. This is an awareness to action material group; it is a hands-on education program. This is in all 50 states. This is available in both English and Spanish.


Some of the helpful learning resources for habitat are:

·         Tree Education Hub - Everything you need to celebrate trees in your classroom, all in one spot. From the Arbor Day Foundation.

·         Environmental Education for Kids (EEK!)– Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Fun and games about water, trees, wildlife, environment.

·         National Geographic Kids – Learning about Nature

·         Nature Explore – help nature become an integral, joyful part of children’s daily learning.

·         Platte Watershed in Motion - Learn about the Platte Watershed

·         US Forest Service USDA  - Learn